一、读取文本文件 思路:
3、用fclose来关闭文件句柄 比如,read.txt的内容如下: 0.1 0.1 151.031 -12.3144 -29.0245 3.112850.1 0.2 120.232 -2.53284 -8.40095 3.33480.1 0.3 136.481 -0.33173 -22.4462 3.5980.1 0.4 184.16 -18.2706 -54.0658 2.516960.1 0.5 140.445 -6.99704 -21.2255 2.42020.1 0.6 127.981 0.319132 -29.8315 3.113170.1 0.7 106.174 -0.398859 -39.5156 3.974380.1 0.8 105.867 -20.1589 -13.4927 11.64880.1 0.9 117.294 -11.8907 -25.5828 4.971910.1 1 79.457 -1.42722 -140.482 0.7264930.1 1.1 94.2203 -2.31433 -11.9207 4.711191. 那么可以用下面的代码来读取该文本文件: fid=fopen('read.txt','r');data=[];while 1 tline=fgetl(fid);%读取一行 if ~ischar(tline),break; end %if与end是一对标记 tline=str2num(tline);%字符串转化为数字 data=[data;tline];%将tline存取数组enddata;%显示数据fclose(fid); 这样文本文件中的内容就读入到了data中了。
二、写入文本文件 思路:
1、用fopen打开一个文件句柄,但要用“w+”或“r+”等修饰符,具体参看help fopen'r' Open file for reading.'w' Open or create new file for writing. Discard existing contents, if any.'a' Open or create new file for writing. Append data to the end of the file.'r+' Open file for reading and writing.'w+' Open or create new file for reading and writing. Discard existing contents, if any.'a+' Open or create new file for reading and writing. Append data to the end of the file.'A' Open file for appending without automatic flushing of the current output buffer.'W' Open file for writing without automatic flushing of the current output buffer.
3、用fclose来关闭文件句柄比如下面的程序: fid=fopen('write.txt','a+');fprintf(fid,'Hello,world\r\n');a=rand(1,10);fprintf(fid,'%g\r\n',a);fclose(fid);运行程序,就会生成write.txt Hello,world0.1576130.9705930.9571670.4853760.800280.1418860.4217610.9157360.7922070.9594921. 所以,用MATLAB来进行操作文本文件是不是很简单啊。