using UnityEngine;using UnityEngine.Advertisements; public class UnityAdsExample : MonoBehaviour{ public void ShowRewardedAd() { if (Advertisement.IsReady("rewardedVideo")) { var options = new ShowOptions { resultCallback = HandleShowResult }; Advertisement.Show("rewardedVideo", options); } } private void HandleShowResult(ShowResult result) { switch (result) { case ShowResult.Finished: Debug.Log("The ad was successfully shown."); // // YOUR CODE TO REWARD THE GAMER // Give coins etc. break; case ShowResult.Skipped: Debug.Log("The ad was skipped before reaching the end."); break; case ShowResult.Failed: Debug.LogError("The ad failed to be shown."); break; } }}
private void HandleShowResult (ShowResult result) if (result == ShowResult.Finished) //判断广告是否被看完 { //Add code to reward your player here! //Give coins, etc }
首先登录 Unity Ads Dashboard 使用UDN账户,并选择你的游戏项目。