1、cadence里面对包含veriloga模型电路进行仿真时有如下问题: ERROR (OSSHNL-116): Unable to descend into any of the views defined in the view list, spectre coms_sch schematic for theinstance I8, in cell ‘test’. Either add one of these views to the library INA826 cell ‘comparator’ or modify the view list to contain an existing view. 解答: 应该是你电路里面用了veriloga模型,需要在cadence仿真ADE界面-------进入environment-------switch view list ------添加veriloga
3、原理图转layoutxl遇到如下问题: 挂库问题 选中该原理图attach
4、数模混合仿真 ams混合仿真吗出现以下问题: The library “connectLib” is not defined.therefor,the connect rules for this library have been ignored. Define the Missing library in the cds.lib file Library Path里面添加connectLib 数模仿真需要接口 在cds.lib添加connectLib文件夹