Public Type iPct X As Double Y As Double Z As Double End Type Public Type iPlan Ax As Double By As Double Cz As Double Dt As Double End Type Public Enum iIntVal Intersectie = 0 'Intersection Paralele = 1 Oblice = 2 'Skew End Enum Public Type iIntersect Result As iIntVal Val As iPct End Type Sub CATMain() Dim Q As New clsGVI Dim A As iPct Dim B As iPct Dim C As iPct Dim D As iPct 'intersectie A.X = 1: A.Y = 1: A.Z = 1 B.X = 3: B.Y = 3: B.Z = 1 C.X = 0: C.Y = 1: C.Z = 4 D.X = 0: D.Y = 3: D.Z = 3 Dim X1 As Double X1 =Q.LLDistance(A, B, C, D) 'Unfold.Show End Sub
Const PI As Double = 3.14159265358979 'How to get point coordinates*获取点坐标* Public Function GetPointXYZ(MyPoint As Variant) As iPct Dim Coord(2): Set GetPointXYZ = New iPct MyPoint.GetCoordinates Coord GetPointXYZ.X = Coord(0): GetPointXYZ.Y = Coord(1): GetPointXYZ.Z = Coord(2) Erase Coord End Function 'How to get point coordinates relative to an specified axis system Public Function LCS(AxisSys As Variant, Point2Measure As iPct) As iPct Dim AOrig(2): Dim Vx(2): Dim Vy(2): Dim Vz(2) Dim iOrig As iPct: Dim iVx As iPct: Dim iVy As iPct: Dim iVz As iPct: Dim Diff As iPct Set LCS = New iPct AxisSys.GetOrigin AOrig: iOrig.X = AOrig(0): iOrig.Y = AOrig(1): iOrig.Z = AOrig(2) AxisSys.GetXAxis Vx: iVx.X = Vx(0): iVx.Y = Vx(1): iVx.Z = Vx(2) AxisSys.GetYAxis Vy: iVy.X = Vy(0): iVy.Y = Vy(1): iVy.Z = Vy(2) AxisSys.GetZAxis Vz: iVz.X = Vz(0): iVz.Y = Vz(1): iVz.Z = Vz(2) NormalizeVector iVx, iVx NormalizeVector iVy, iVy NormalizeVector iVz, iVz Diff.X = Point2Measure.X - iOrig.X: Diff.Y = Point2Measure.Y - iOrig.Y: Diff.Z = Point2Measure.Z - iOrig.Z LCS.X = DotProduct(Diff, iVx): LCS.Y = DotProduct(Diff, iVy): LCS.Z = DotProduct(Diff, iVz) Set iOrig = Nothing: Set iVx = Nothing: Set iVy = Nothing: Set iVz = Nothing: Set Diff = Nothing Erase AOrig: Erase Vx: Erase Vy: Erase Vz End Function ' How to Normalize of a vector Public Sub NormalizeVector(IVect As iPct, ByRef NVect As iPct) Dim Mag As Double Mag = Sqr(IVect.X ^ 2 + IVect.Y ^ 2 + IVect.Z ^ 2) If Mag < 0.0000001 Then Call Err.Raise(1001, , "Zero length vector cannot be normalized") NVect.X = IVect.X / Mag NVect.Y = IVect.Y / Mag NVect.Z = IVect.Z / Mag End Sub ' How to get Plane Equation Public Function PlaneEquation(PartOrigin As iPct, PlaneOrigin As iPct, FirstVector As iPct, SecondVector As iPct) As iPlan Set PlaneEquation = New iPlan PlaneEquation.Ax = PartOrigin.Y * (FirstVector.Z - SecondVector.Z) + FirstVector.Y * (SecondVector.Z - PartOrigin.Z) + SecondVector.Y * (PartOrigin.Z - FirstVector.Z) PlaneEquation.By = PartOrigin.Z * (FirstVector.X - SecondVector.X) + FirstVector.Z * (SecondVector.X - PartOrigin.X) + SecondVector.Z * (PartOrigin.X - FirstVector.X) PlaneEquation.Cz = PartOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y - SecondVector.Y) + FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y - PartOrigin.Y) + SecondVector.X * (PartOrigin.Y - FirstVector.Y) PlaneEquation.Dt = PlaneOrigin.X * (FirstVector.Y * SecondVector.Z - SecondVector.Y * FirstVector.Z) + FirstVector.X * (SecondVector.Y * PlaneOrigin.Z - PlaneOrigin.Y * _ SecondVector.Z) + SecondVector.X * (PlaneOrigin.Y * FirstVector.Z - FirstVector.Y * PlaneOrigin.Z) End Function ' How to get plane vectors Public Function GetPlaneVectors(MyPlane As Variant) As iPct() Dim ArrRet() As iPct: ReDim ArrRet(1) Dim V1(2): Dim V2(2) MyPlane.GetFirstAxis V1: ArrRet(0).X = V1(0): ArrRet(0).Y = V1(1): ArrRet(0).Z = V1(2) MyPlane.GetSecondAxis V2: ArrRet(1).X = V2(0): ArrRet(1).Y = V2(1): ArrRet(1).Z = V2(2) GetPlaneVectors = ArrRet Erase ArrRet: Erase V1: Erase V2 End Function ' How to get angle between two planes - Dihedral Angle Public Function DihedralAngle(FirstPlane As iPlan, SecondPlane As iPlan) As Double DihedralAngle = ArcCos(FirstPlane.Ax * SecondPlane.Ax + FirstPlane.By * SecondPlane.By + FirstPlane.Cz * SecondPlane.Cz / _ Sqr((FirstPlane.Ax ^ 2 + FirstPlane.By ^ 2 + FirstPlane.Cz ^ 2) * (SecondPlane.Ax ^ 2 + SecondPlane.By ^ 2 + SecondPlane.Cz ^ 2))) End Function ' Nothing to comment*辅助函数* Public Function ArcCos(Radians As Double) As Double If Round(Radians, 8) = 1 Then ArcCos = 0: Exit Function If Round(Radians, 8) = -1 Then ArcCos = PI: Exit Function ArcCos = Atn(-Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2)) + 2 * Atn(1) End Function Public Function ArcSin(Radians As Double) As Double If (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2) <= 0.000000000001) And (Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2) >= -0.000000000001) Then ArcSin = PI / 2 Else ArcSin = Atn(Radians / Sqr(1 - Radians ^ 2)) End If End Function ' How to get distance between two points Public Function P2PDist(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As Double Distance = Sqr((SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Y - FirstPoint.Y) ^ 2 + (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) ^ 2) End Function ' Are two points on the same side of the plane? Public Function WhichSideOfPlane(Plane As iPlan, FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As Integer() Dim ArrReturn() As Integer: ReDim ArrReturn(1) ArrReturn(0) = Plane.Ax * FirstPoint.X + Plane.By * FirstPoint.Y + Plane.Cz * FirstPoint.Z - Plane.Dt ArrReturn(1) = Plane.Ax * SecondPoint.X + Plane.By * SecondPoint.Y + Plane.Cz * SecondPoint.Z - Plane.Dt WhichSideOfPlane = ArrReturn Erase ArrReturn End Function ' How to get the vector of line Public Function GetLineVector(FirstPoint As iPct, SecondPoint As iPct) As iPct Dim Dist As Double: Set GetLineVector = New iPct Dist = P2PDist(FirstPoint, Seconpoint) GetLineVector.X = (SecondPoint.X - FirstPoint.X) / Dist GetLineVector.Y = (SecondPoint.Y - FirstPoint.Y) / Dist GetLineVector.Z = (SecondPoint.Z - FirstPoint.Z) / Dist End Function ' How to Get BrepName from Catia Selection Public Function GetBrep(MyBRepName As String) As String MyBRepName = Replace(MyBRepName, "Selection_", "") MyBRepName = Left(MyBRepName, InStrRev(MyBRepName, "));")) MyBRepName = MyBRepName + ");WithPermanentBody;WithoutBuildError;WithSelectingFeatureSupport;MFBRepVersion_CXR15)" '");WithTemporaryBody;WithoutBuildError;WithInitialFeatureSupport;MonoFond;MFBRepVersion _CXR14)" GetBrep = MyBRepName End Function ' How to determine if two lines are skew, intersecting or parallel Public Function LLIntersect(A As iPct, B As iPct, C As iPct, D As iPct) As iIntersect Dim M(3, 3) As Double M(0, 0) = A.X: M(0, 1) = A.Y: M(0, 2) = A.Z: M(0, 3) = 1 M(1, 0) = B.X: M(1, 1) = B.Y: M(1, 2) = B.Z: M(1, 3) = 1 M(2, 0) = C.X: M(2, 1) = C.Y: M(2, 2) = C.Z: M(2, 3) = 1 M(3, 0) = D.X: M(3, 1) = D.Y: M(3, 2) = D.Z: M(3, 3) = 1 If GetDet(M) <> 0 Then Erase M: LLIntersect.Result = Oblice: Exit Function 'skew lines Dim CxB() As Double: Dim AxB() As Double: ReDim CxB(2): ReDim AxB(2) Dim Av(2) As Double: Dim Bv(2) As Double: Dim Cv(2) As Double Av(0) = B.X - A.X: Av(1) = B.Y - A.Y: Av(2) = B.Z - A.Z Bv(0) = D.X - C.X: Bv(1) = D.Y - C.Y: Bv(2) = D.Z - C.Z Cv(0) = C.X - A.X: Cv(1) = C.Y - A.Y: Cv(2) = C.Z - A.Z CxB = CrossProd(Cv, Bv): AxB = CrossProd(Av, Bv) Dim s As Double On Error GoTo paralelele s = DotProd(CxB, AxB) / Abs(DotProd(AxB, AxB)) Dim iInter As iPct iInter.X = A.X + Av(0) * s 'X coordinate of intersection iInter.Y = A.Y + Av(1) * s 'Y coordinate of intersection iInter.Z = A.Z + Av(2) * s 'Z coordinate of intersection LLIntersect.Result = Intersectie 'intersecting lines LLIntersect.Val = iInter paralelele: Erase CxB: Erase AxB: Erase Cv: Erase Bv: Erase Av If Err.Number <> 0 Then LLIntersect.Result = PParalele: Err.Clear 'parallel lines End Function ' How to get the distance between two skew lines Public Function SkewLDist(A As iPct, B As iPct, C As iPct, D As iPct) As Double Dim Av(2) As Double: Dim Bv(2) As Double: Dim Cv(2) As Double Dim Det(2, 2) As Double Av(0) = A.X - B.X: Av(1) = A.Y - B.Y: Av(2) = A.Z - B.Z Bv(0) = C.X - A.X: Bv(1) = C.Y - A.Y: Bv(2) = C.Z - A.Z Cv(0) = D.X - C.X: Cv(1) = D.Y - C.Y: Cv(2) = D.Z - C.Z Det(0, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Cv): Det(0, 1) = DotProd(Cv, Av): Det(0, 2) = DotProd(Cv, Bv) Det(1, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Av): Det(1, 1) = DotProd(Av, Av): Det(1, 2) = DotProd(Av, Bv) Det(2, 0) = DotProd(Cv, Bv): Det(2, 1) = DotProd(Av, Bv): Det(2, 2) = DotProd(Bv, Bv) Dim v As Double v = GetDet(Det) SkewLDist = Sqr(v / (Det(0, 0) * Det(1, 1) - Det(1, 0) ^ 2)) End Function ' How to get DOT product of two vectors - lenght must be 3 Public Function DotProd(V1() As Double, V2() As Double) As Double DotProd = V1(0) * V2(0) + V1(1) * V2(1) + V1(2) * V2(2) End Function ' How to get CROSS product of two vectors - lenght must be 3 Public Function CrossProd(V1() As Double, V2() As Double) As Double() Dim Res() As Double ReDim Res(2) Res(0) = V1(1) * V2(2) - V1(2) * V2(1) Res(1) = V1(2) * V2(0) - V1(0) * V2(2) Res(2) = V1(0) * V2(1) - V1(1) * V2(0) CrossProd = Res Erase Res End Function ' How to get inverse of an NxN matrix Public Function GetInverse(M() As Double) As Double() Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim Size As Integer Dim Det As Double: Dim Adj() As Double Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer Size = UBound(M): Det = GetDet(M) If Det <> 0 Then ReDim RetVal(Size, Size) Adj = GetAdjoint(M) For i = 0 To Size For j = 0 To Size RetVal(i, j) = Adj(i, j) / Det Next Next Erase Adj GetInverse = RetVal Erase RetVal End If End Function ' How to get Determinant of an NxN matrix Public Function GetDet(M() As Double) As Double Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M): Dim RetVal As Double If Size = 1 Then RetVal = RetVal + M(0, 0) * M(1, 1) - M(0, 1) * M(1, 0) 'daca e deteminant 2x2 Else For i = 0 To Size RetVal = RetVal + ((-1) ^ i) * M(0, i) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, 0, i)) 'daca e determinant NxN Next End If GetDet = RetVal End Function ' How to get Adjoint matrix - it is used to calculate the inverse of an NxN matrix Public Function GetAdjoint(M() As Double) As Double() Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer Dim Size As Integer: Size = UBound(M) Dim RetVal() As Double: ReDim RV(Size, Size) For i = 0 To Size For j = 0 To Size RetVal(j, i) = ((-1) ^ (i + j)) * GetDet(GetMinor(M, i, j)) 'RetVal(i, j)=matricea cofactor; RetVal(j, i)= transpusa matricii cofactor Next Next GetAdjoint = RetVal Erase RetVal End Function ' How to get Minor matrix - it is used to calculate the determinant of an NxN matrix Public Function GetMinor(Min() As Double, RemRow As Integer, RemCol As Integer) As Double() Dim RetVal() As Double: Dim i As Integer: Dim j As Integer Dim IdxC As Integer: Dim IdxR As Integer Dim Size As Integer: IdxR = 0: Size = UBound(Min) - 1 ReDim RetVal(Size, Size) As Double For i = 0 To Size + 1 If i <> RemRow Then IdxC = 0 For j = 0 To Size + 1 If j <> RemCol Then RetVal(IdxR, IdxC) = Min(i, j) IdxC = IdxC + 1 End If Next IdxR = IdxR + 1 End If Next GetMinor = RetVal Erase RetVal End Function ' How to aproximate an curve using Cubic Bezier curves Public Function BSpline3(CollectionOfiPcts As Collection, Increment As Double) As Collection Dim i As Double: Dim t As Double Dim A As iPlan: Dim B As iPlan: Dim C As iPlan: Dim Point2Add As iPct Set BSpline3 = New Collection For i = 1 To CollectionOfiPcts.Count - 3 Set A = New iPlan: Set B = New iPlan: Set C = New iPlan A.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).X) / 6 A.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).X - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6 A.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6 A.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).X + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).X + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).X) / 6 B.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).Y) / 6 B.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6 B.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6 B.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).Y + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Y) / 6 C.Ax = (-CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z - 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 3).Z) / 6 C.By = (3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z - 6 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6 C.Cz = (-3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 3 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6 C.Dt = (CollectionOfiPcts(i).Z + 4 * CollectionOfiPcts(i + 1).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(i + 2).Z) / 6 For t = 0 To 1 Step Increment Set Point2Add = New iPct Point2Add.X = A.Dt + A.Cz * t + A.By * t ^ 2 + A.Ax * t ^ 3 Point2Add.Y = B.Dt + B.Cz * t + B.By * t ^ 2 + B.Ax * t ^ 3 Point2Add.Z = C.Dt + C.Cz * t + C.By * t ^ 2 + C.Ax * t ^ 3 BSpline3.Add Point2Add Set Point2Add = Nothing Next Set A = Nothing: Set B = Nothing: Set C = Nothing Next End Function ' How to aproximate an curve using Quadratic Bezier curves Public Function BSplineC(CollectionOfiPcts As Collection, Increment As Double) As Collection Dim j As Double Dim t As Double Dim A As iPct: Dim B As iPct: Dim C As iPct: Dim Point2Add As iPct Set BSplineC = New Collection For j = 2 To CollectionOfiPcts.Count - 1 Set A = New iPct: Set B = New iPct: Set C = New iPct A.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).X + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).X) / 2 A.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).X) / 2 A.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).X + CollectionOfiPcts(j).X) / 2 B.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).Y) / 2 B.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y) / 2 B.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Y + CollectionOfiPcts(j).Y) / 2 C.X = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z - 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(j + 1).Z) / 2 C.Y = (-2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z + 2 * CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z) / 2 C.Z = (CollectionOfiPcts(j - 1).Z + CollectionOfiPcts(j).Z) / 2 For t = 0 To 1 Step Increment Set Point2Add = New iPct Point2Add.X = A.Z + A.Y * t + A.X * t ^ 2 Point2Add.Y = B.Z + B.Y * t + B.X * t ^ 2 Point2Add.Z = C.Z + C.Y * t + C.X * t ^ 2 BSplineC.Add Point2Add Set Point2Add = Nothing Next Set A = Nothing: Set B = Nothing: Set C = Nothing Next End Function ' How to sort verctors*向量排序* Public Sub SortVector(Array2Sort, Order As String) Dim X As Integer Dim Temp Select Case Order Case "A" Sorted = False Do While Not Sorted Sorted = True For X = 0 To UBound(Array2Sort) - 1 If Array2Sort(X) > Array2Sort(X + 1) Then Temp = Array2Sort(X + 1) Array2Sort(X + 1) = Array2Sort(X) Array2Sort(X) = Temp Sorted = False End If Next X Loop Case "D" Sorted = False Do While Not Sorted Sorted = True For X = 0 To UBound(Array2Sort) - 1 If Array2Sort(X) < Array2Sort(X + 1) Then Temp = Array2Sort(X + 1) Array2Sort(X + 1) = Array2Sort(X) Array2Sort(X) = Temp Sorted = False End If Next X Loop Case Else MsgBox "Invalid parameter Value Order=A or D" End Select End Sub
CODE '============================================================================== ' Gets current CATIA UI language by reading FrameGeneral.CATSettings file '============================================================================== Private Function GetCATIALanguageFromSettings() ' set the default return value GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "" ' read FrameGeneral.CATSettings from settings as binary Dim fso: Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim settFile: Set settFile = fso.GetFile(fso.BuildPath(CATIA.SystemService.Environ("CATUserSettingPath"), "FrameGeneral.CATSettings")) Dim nbChars: nbChars = settFile.Size With settFile.OpenAsTextStream() Dim chars: chars = .Read(nbChars) End With '--------------------------------------------------------- ' SEARCH FOR UserInterfaceLanguage STRING IN SETTINGS FILE '--------------------------------------------------------- ' start reading from the first byte Dim str: str = "" Dim filePos: filePos = 1 Dim c: c = Mid(chars, filePos, 1) Do While (InStrRev(str, "UserInterfaceLanguage") = 0 And filePos < nbChars) ' flush text in sFileContent each time we face a zero byte If Asc(c) = 0 Then str = "" Else ' append another character to the text str = str + c End If ' read next byte from the file filePos = filePos + 1 c = Mid(chars, filePos, 1) Loop If filePos >= nbChars Then ' something went wrong Exit Function End If '------------------------------------ ' GET CURRENT USER INTERFACE LANGUAGE '------------------------------------ ' read 30th byte after UserInterfaceLanguage that stores language Select Case Asc(Mid(chars, filePos + 33, 1)) Case &HCA: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "EN" Case &H56: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "FR" Case &H5A: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "DE" Case &HC2: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "IT" Case &HE5: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "RU" Case 0: GetCATIALanguageFromSettings = "" End Select End Function Sub CATMain() MsgBox GetNLSString(CATIA.ActiveDocument.part, "CATMatMaterial", "MaterialParameterName", Null) 'MsgBox GetNLSString(CATIA.ActiveDocument.part, "CATIAKeys", "MessageBoxFormat", Array("First message parameter")) End Sub CODE --> VBA Public Function CatiaLanguage2() As String Dim oDocProd As Product 'Produit du document actif Dim paramTemp As Parameter 'paramètres temporaire créé pour déterminer la langue Dim sParamName As String 'nom d'affichage du paramètre Dim iUserCount As Integer 'nombre de propriétés personnalisées de oDocProd On Error Resume Next Set oDocProd = CATIA.ActiveDocument.Product If Err.Number <> 0 Then MsgBox "Le fichier actif n'est pas une pièce ou un produit. Impossible de continuer." CatiaLanguage2 = "ERR" Set oDocProd = Nothing Exit Function End If Set paramTemp = oDocProd.UserRefProperties.CreateString("MacroTemp", "-") sParamName = paramTemp.Name If sParamName Like "*Properties*" Then CatiaLanguage2 = "EN" ElseIf sParamName Like "*Propriétés*" Then CatiaLanguage2 = "FR" ElseIf sParamName Like "*Eigenschaften*" Then CatiaLanguage2 = "DE" ElseIf sParamName Like "*Proprietà*" Then CatiaLanguage2 = "IT" Else CatiaLanguage2 = "ERR" End If iUserCount = oDocProd.UserRefProperties.Count oDocProd.UserRefProperties.Remove (iUserCount) Set paramTemp = Nothing Set oDocProd = Nothing End Function Function GetNLSString(partOrProduct, catalog, key, args) Dim formulaText: formulaText = "BuildMessageNLS(""" + catalog + """, """ + key + """" If (VarType(args) And vbArray) = vbArray Then Dim arg: For Each arg In args formulaText = formulaText + ", """ + arg + """" Next End If formulaText = formulaText + ")" Dim uniqueKey: uniqueKey = CStr(Timer()) Dim tempParam: Set tempParam = partOrProduct.Parameters.CreateString("nlsparam" + uniqueKey, catalog + "." + key) Dim tempFormula: Set tempFormula = partOrProduct.Relations.CreateFormula("nlsformula" + uniqueKey, "Temporary formula to retrieve NLS string", tempParam, formulaText) GetNLSString = tempParam.value ' cleanup, formula first partOrProduct.Relations.Remove partOrProduct.Parameters.Remove End Function
' Searches for file with path relative to a directories specified in a given environment variable Private Function GetFileFromEnvironment(variableName, relativePath) Dim env: env = CATIA.SystemService.Environ(CStr(variableName)) Dim dir, path For Each dir In Split(env, ";") path = CATIA.fileSystem.ConcatenatePaths(CStr(dir), CStr(relativePath)) If 1 = CATIA.fileSystem.FileExists(CStr(path)) Then GetFileFromEnvironment = path Exit Function End If Next GetFileFromEnvironment = Null End Function