由于对CFD仿真计算的收敛性没有一个统一的判断标准,所以判断一个求解问题是否收敛通常是困难的。对于典型的一些流动问题,使用残差来判断是否求解是否收敛通常是有用的,然而对于一些其他的流动问题,则可能会被残差变化所误导。判断一个求解问题是否收敛的较好办法是:在使用残差来判断求解问题收敛的同时,检测相关物理量(阻力或者热传输系数)的变化情况。对于大多数流动问题,ANSYS Fluent默认的收敛标准是合适的,但有时却是不合适的,这包括以下问题的求解:
If you make a good initial guess of the flow field, the initial continuity residual may be very small leading to a large scaled residual for the continuity equation. In such a situation it is useful to examine the unscaled residual and compare it with an appropriate scale, such as the mass flow rate at the inlet.
For some equations, such as for turbulence quantities, a poor initial guess may result in high scale factors. In such cases, scaled residuals will start low, increase as nonlinear sources build up, and eventually decrease. It is therefore good practice to judge convergence not just from the value of the residual itself, but from its behavior. You should ensure that the residual continues to decrease (or remain low) for several iterations (say 50 or more) before concluding that the solution has converged.
If you have provided a very good initial guess, the residuals may not drop three orders of magnitude. In a nearly-isothermal flow, for example, energy residuals may not drop three orders if the initial guess of temperature is very close to the final solution.
If the governing equation contains nonlinear source terms which are zero at the beginning of the calculation and build up slowly during computation, the residuals may not drop three orders of magnitude. In the case of natural convection in an enclosure, for example, initial momentum residuals may be very close to zero because the initial uniform temperature guess does not generate buoyancy. In such a case, the initial nearly-zero residual is not a good scale for the residual.
If the variable of interest is nearly zero everywhere, the residuals may not drop three orders of magnitude. In fully-developed flow in a pipe, for example, the cross-sectional velocities are zero. If these velocities have been initialized to zero, initial (and final) residuals are both close to zero, and a three-order drop cannot be expected.