PTC CREO 3.0 M150破解文件是一款可以对PTC CREO 3.0 M150版本程序进行破解的工具,破解后即可无限制使用PTC CREO 3.0 M150程序,本站不仅为大家提供了PTC CREO 3.0 M150破解文件下载地址,同时因为大家带来了官方原版程序,欢迎有需要的朋友们前来下载使用。
CREO是美国PTC公司于2010年10月推出CAD设计软件包。CREO是整合了PTC公司的三个软件Pro/Engineer的参数化技术、CoCreate的直接建模技术和ProductView的三维可视化技术的新型CAD设计软件包,是PTC公司闪电计划所推出的第一个产品。CREO是一个整合Pro/ENGINEER、CoCreate和ProductView三大软件并重新分发的新型CAD设计软件包,针对不同的任务应用将采用更为简单化子应用的方式,所有子应用采用统一的文件格式。 CREO目的在于解决CAD系统难用及多CAD系统数据共用等问题。
PTC CREO 3.0 M150 32位官方程序下载地址:点击下载
PTC CREO 3.0 M150 64位官方程序下载地址:点击下载
CREO 3.0 M150 32位破解文件使用步骤
1. Unzip "PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS-SSQ.7z" to temporary directory
and run "FillLicense.bat". The "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" file near batch script
contains the license file with correct PTC HOSTID will be generated
Copy generated license file to folder of choice (for example, C:\Program Files\PTC)
2. Create enviroment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=<full path to PTC_D_SSQ.dat>
3. Install PTC Creo 3.0 M150 Win32
3.1. Copy folders "Distributed Services Manager" and "M150" from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN32-SSQ.7z"\Creo 3.0 folder to <Creo 3.0 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\ ) with overwrite
3.2. Copy folder "View Express" from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN32-SSQ.7z"\Creo 3.1 folder to <Creo 3.1 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.1\ ) with overwrite
4. Install PTC Mathcad Prime 3.1 Win32 (optional)
4.1. Replace original <Mathcad Prime 3.1 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime 3.1 ) with cracked one from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN32-SSQ.7z"
5. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry
7. Enjoy!
CREO 3.0 M150 64位破解文件使用步骤
1. Unzip "PTC.LICENSE.WINDOWS-SSQ.7z" to temporary directory
and run "FillLicense.bat". The "PTC_D_SSQ.dat" file near batch script
contains the license file with correct PTC HOSTID will be generated
Copy generated license file to folder of choice (for example, C:\Program Files\PTC)
2. Create enviroment variable PTC_D_LICENSE_FILE=<full path to PTC_D_SSQ.dat>
3. Install PTC Creo 3.0 M150 Win64
3.1. Copy folders "Distributed Services Manager", "M150" and "View Express" from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN64-SSQ.7z"\Creo 3.0 folder to <Creo 3.0 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.0\ ) with overwrite
3.2. Copy folder "View Express" from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN64-SSQ.7z"\Creo 3.1 folder to <Creo 3.1 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Creo 3.1\ ) with overwrite
4. Install PTC Mathcad Prime 3.1 Win64 (optional)
4.1. Replace original <Mathcad Prime 3.1 program folder> (by default C:\Program Files\PTC\Mathcad Prime 3.1 ) with cracked one from "PTC.CREO.3.0.M150.WIN64-SSQ.7z"
5. Run "SolidSQUADLoaderEnabler.reg" and confirm to add info into Windows Registry
7. Enjoy!